Ursula has produced a range of downloadable hypnosis mp3s to deal with a wide variety of issues and to help with personal development and a selection of popular titles can be purchased below. The full range of titles is available in the Ursula James Store.
Learn how to take yourself into the physically relaxed and mentally focused state of hypnosis by yourself.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 17 mins)
Controlling Anxiety
Reduce anxiety. learn to relax and deal with situations that make you anxious, and breaks the habit of anxiety for good.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 24 mins)
Health & Wellbeing
Improve your physical, mental and emotional stamina. Deal with situations more calmly, and feel more in control.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 36 mins)
Alcohol Free!
Take control of your alcohol habit, be able to say no in social situations and become alcohol free.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 20 mins)
Stop Smoking
Break the habit in three weeks. This mp3 will also help you prevent replacing cigarettes with food or anything else.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 22 mins)
Effective Weight Control
Weight loss without dieting made simple. Boost your motivation and metabolism, and reduce cravings.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 22 mins)
Needle Phobia
Is your fear of needles holding you back from having the vaccine? Reduce your anxiety let go of the fear for good.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 29 mins)
Better Sleep
Sleep deeply and and to let go of the stresses and strains which can disturb your sleeping pattern.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 22 mins)
Take back control of your feelings and be calm when you are faced with situations that may bother you.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 36 mins)
Be Confident!
Designed to give you the confidence you need in any situation, it will help you look, feel and act more confident.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 19 mins)
Stop Teeth-Grinding
Take control of your teeth grinding (bruxism), deal better with stress, and cope more effectively with life in general.
£9.50 (MP3 Length: 24 mins)
Get Motivated!
Motivation is the key to change. Get started, get on with it and keep going until you achieve your goal!
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 20 mins)
Germ Phobia
If your fear of germs, dirt or contamination is restricting your actions and ruining your life, this mp3 can help you.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 30 mins)
Fear of Spiders
Remove your fear of spiders. You may never learn to love them, but you will take back control of your reactions.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 38 mins)
Fear of Flying
You will be able to get on a plane and fly, feeling calm, relaxed and in control - just the way you want to be.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 25 mins)
Confidence in Public Speaking
Take the fear out of public speaking, and feel completely in control.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 26 mins)
Pain control, relaxation and confidence are included in this MP3 designed to prepare the listener for labour and birth.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 38 mins)
Hypnosis is effective in enhancing fertility. This MP3 can help prepare yourself for becoming pregnant.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 42 mins)
Designed for use at any stage of pregnancy and useful during labour to help prepare for the birth itself.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 38 mins)
The symptoms of the menopause can all be reduced by listening to this MP3.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 38 mins)
Fear of Dogs
Overcome your fear, so you can and will be able to react normally and appropriately to dogs.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 27 mins)
Fear of Thunder
Take control of your responses to thunder and lightning and you will be able to react normally to storms.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 33 mins)
Fear of Snakes
You will be able to control your responses to snakes and be able to react appropriately to them.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 39 mins)
Get your fears under control if you have a fear of vomiting in public, or a fear of seeing vomit or someone vomiting.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 37 mins)
Achieve Financial Success
Financial success is all about attitude. Halt the self-sabotage and realise that you deserve financial success.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 25 mins)
Prevent Jet Lag
Put an end to the effects of jet lag and set your body clock to the time zone of your arrival, to feel ready for the day ahead
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 18 mins)
Anger Management
Learn to be calm in any situation, recognise your triggers, and take control of your responses.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 27 mins)
French with Confidence
Commissioned by France Magazine to help its readers improve their ability to speak and understand French.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 19 mins)
Recovering from an Operation
You heal best when you are calm and relaxed and this MP3 will aid your recovery.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 28 mins)
Social Phobia
If social situations cause you anxiety, this MP3 will help you take control, feel more positive and get your life back.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 38 mins)
Stop Hair-pulling
This effective MP3 helps you identify triggers in order to help you stop pulling or picking at your hair.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 24 mins)
Pass Your Exams
Be focused, calm and relaxed and remember everything you need to remember in order to pass your exams.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 26 mins)
Sugar Free!
Reduce your craving for sugary snacks, increase your confidence, focus and the motivation to be sugar free!
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 25 mins)
Power of Positive Thinking
Change the inner-critic into a motivating coach, take back control and make positive changes.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 26 mins)
The Self-Esteem Booster
Gain more confidence and be able to deal with people and situations in a more positive way with this MP3.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 27 mins)
Pain Control
In this MP3 are suggestions to boost the immune system and raise endorphin levels, and so reduce the response to pain.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 25 mins)
Positive Change
Feel better, think more clearly and act more positively to make change happen more easily in your life.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 14 mins)
Improve Your Relationship
If you are unhappy with a relationship, this MP3 will help you to change those feelings and more besides.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 24 mins)
Pass Your Driving Test
This MP3 is designed to take you through the day of your practical test, right through to getting your pass certificate.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 25 mins)
Learn More Easily
Learn more effectively through simple strategies, reducing stress and enhancing focus, confidence and motivation.
£7.50 (MP3 Length: 23 mins)
Ursula is also the author of several books:
You Can Be Amazing
The book, and companion CD, tells you everything you need to know and do to change your life with hypnosis.
You Can Think Yourself Thin
Become the real, confident you using hypnosis and understand the reasons behind your weight gain.
Clinical Hypnosis Textbook
This book demystifies the process of clinical hypnosis for personal and professional use.
£26.99 (3rd edition)
The Source - A Manual of Everyday Magic
An inspirational work of non-fiction with true magic woven through it for those who read it well.
If you would like to listen to regular free hypnosis audios, designed to help improve your health and well-being, you may be interested in the HYPNOSOS podcast.
Designed to help alleviate stress, and help you cope better with the situations you are faced with, the podcast episodes are mini-hypnosis sessions which start with an introduction about how get the most benefit (which you can feel free to skip through once you have heard it once), and some details about the contents of the hypnosis session. You can then close your eyes, relax, and have a mini-break from the stress around you.
You can find more details of how to download or stream the podcast here.